Wednesday, October 15, 2008

AFTER Missionary Week

Oh! Everytime that I think about my Ipod or my Blog etc., I think "Oh I can't do that right now" but I can...I have had my mind trained on the thought that I can't use those things, even though I have and I have wanted to, I just think, don't do it! Oh well. Now I can!

Yesterday was the last day of our missionary week. We visited houses in our ward and had companions that we went with. We ate dinner with the family and then we taught them lesson two out of Preach My Gospel on the Plan of Salvation. I went to an elderly lady's home where she lives with her Daughter. My companion and I were complaining the whole way to her house how much we HATE vegetables and I just have to say...I ate my WHOLE salad! Yeah I was proud of myself too! It was very "cute" as we called it. Her table was all set up with everything in the right place (Knife and Fork on the right, Spoon on the left, salad plate or roll plate above the spoon...etc...) and it was very nice. We ate what she called Chicken Kroquets (I don't know if that is how you spell that). They are some kind of chicken and sauce inside of a fried breading. I know that doesn't sound all that good when you explain it like that. We also had some pasta and salad as I mentioned before. We also had ice cream for dessert.

When we taught the lesson, I was feeling pretty good about it. I taught my half and Megan taught her half. We felt the spirit so much. We were glad that we were able to go to her house! I am so glad for the opportunity that I had to do this! I have been taught so much this past week! I am just gald for this experience!

Thanks for supporting me mom and dad! Love you!


Sweet Caroline said...

We love you Caroline!! You are a very, very special girl!! Thank you for being so respectful to your parents! You are amazing!!
Love, Dad and Mom

laura said...

Yes, you are special honey! I hope when you are old enough you will decide to serve a mission like I did. There is nothing quite like it, and though you may have many "Veggie" moments, the feeling you get and the spirit you share, will stay with you and those you teach for eternity....I love you! Aunt Jenny