Friday, September 24, 2010

These are my thoughts.

School is a big headache. It always is. Isn't it?
Waking up at 5:00 on B-Days, 6:00 on A-Days-- always a downer.
Eating a bowl of cereal with Dad at 5:00. Priceless.
Drivers ED? Who came up with the class?
I sit next to a Senior. He doesn't have a learners permit yet.
Seminary teachers need something more in their lives.
Is eating Captain Crunch part of the Word of Wisdom Brother Evans?
History: I can't pay attention. My teachers eyebrows are too large for concentration.
Whoever said that learning a foreign language was a good idea?
Tengo un gato en mis pantelones.
What the....?!
6:00am Orchestra? Can anyone play Dvorak at that time?
Learning how to use a graphing calculator-- Easy.
Remembering my times tables-- Hard. (I know.)
Peer Tutoring..... Golden.
Yeah. That's right. We made yarn bracelets for Fun Friday. (Golden)
Riding on the bus home and wondering WHY IN THE WORLD DO I KNOW ALL OF THESE OLD SONGS?! (Steve is our bus driver. He threatened our bus to calm down or he would put on Bob Dylan. Didn't know I knew Bob Dylan until he turned it on....really loud.)
Getting home to Mom asking how my day was.... priceless.


Tabby Grey said...

So sweet and funny. I love you!

The Roundy's said...

haha! That is so funny! You are a really good author! Keep the updates comin'....:)

Kenr said...

Caroline, you are so funny! I love your perspective on life! You are so sweet and thoughtful of others. I love you! Dad