Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Plain Life: As Seen By Caroline Raines"

Now, how many weeks has it been since I made a blog post? I'm not exactly sure actually. Perhaps three.....maybe four. I haven't taken the time to see when I last blogged. Maybe some of you have given up on my blog, forgetting that it even exists. Maybe not....You may have to rediscover it as I did. You know, the word "blogging" is such an old mom word.... meant for all of those scrapbookers who write about their daily life and everyone seems to see it as amazing. Is that really all that blogging is? Someones daily life, pumped up and put into a story that seems amazing? I suppose so. Then why, may I ask, do I find myself with a whole lot of life, that doesn't seem amazing enough to put into words, here on my blog?

How about we find a new word for "blogging." Could we call it, storytelling? Maybe even "plain life as seen by Caroline Raines."

If plain simple life can be viewed from billions of different view points, why don't we find everyones view point amazing? Yeah, I agree, those scrapbook blogs need a little jazzing up or something, but it's their perspective isn't it? This blog is my perspective, isn't it? Can't it be just as amazing as all of those scrapbooking moms? :)

I guess I'm talking to myself, but, I did blog this :)


The Roundy's said...

Wow, I like your blog title! And you have great thoughts sound WAY smart! I am excited to read more....:)

Tabby Grey said...


Kenr said...

Caroline, you are so talented and smart. You have your mother's writing skills and perspective on life. Very interesting angle on things. I am glad you are learing Spanish. You won't regret it! I love you sweetheart! Dad