Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tagged! (Again...)

Yes, that's right. I got tagged again, by Lauren. I was just sitting here and thought that I needed to do something than, well, sit. So I will do my tag.

I thought that this picture is a great picture for this post. You have to know about that much knowledge to be able to do this tag! Haha!

I am supposed to say 25 interesting things about myself. Here we go:

1. Some of my favorite movies include: The Goonies, The Sound of Music, The Secret Life of Bees, Yours, Mine and Ours, I will probably think of another movie in a minute...

2. I love to read!

3. I can't live a day without listening to my iPod :)

4. I have the best family! Love you guys!

5. I would like to go outside more. I tried to go out today and read on our swingset, nope. Not a good idea! BURR!!

6. I moved my room around in a weird posistion and I love it!

7. I think that my little sister is cute if she is not crying.

8. I like to write.

9. This is kinda weird...I always remember my dreams while I am doing something and I do it like 4 times a day. Maybe that is too weird? Eh?

10. Hopefully my brother wont read this one, although I am pretty sure he knows...I often go through his iTunes while he is gone and add some of his music to my iTunes...:)

11. I loved Keyboarding class last semester and my friends hate it...does that make me abnormal?? :)

12. As you can see I like to make little smily faces! :) :)

13. I like to draw things....Depending on where I am and if I am not being forced to color by Margaret...:)

14. I sometimes get carried away with making calendars for my Young Women's class!

15. I just had to ask my sister what else was interesting about myself.

16. I know how to sew and my little sister talked me into making her a doll...it turned out kind of weird looking...:)

17. I love to play the viola. My mom hates it when I ask her what a note is on the piano though because the viola has a different cleff! Sorry mom...

18. I would like to learn how to play the piano well, and the cello, although that might be a while until I actually can...

19. I often stay up late at night reading a good book.

20. I drive my parents crazy when they are trying to go to sleep and I stay up and pester them...:) It is not intentionally I promise!

21. I quite like to make up poems...they are very interesting sometimes...refer to my post: Bread

22. Sometimes I have to tell myself for a few hours that I love school.

23. I am extremely weird when it comes to loving office supplies! I do, what can I say? When I am an adult, I want my calling to be the ward librarian! That would be awesome!

24. I like doing math when I get it.

25. I can't believe that I thought of this many things about myself!

Well, there you go...That took a good long time to do!

I am now tagging Laura...good luck!
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